How to Connect Laptop to Samsung monitor

The Samsung M7 smart monitor uses a single USB-C cable to connect to your laptop.  The monitor supplies power to the laptop via the USB-C cable, eliminating the need for a separate laptop power supply while docked to the monitor.  USB devices connected to the monitor are passed through to the laptop.

Recommended Connections

  1. Connect the Laptop to the Samsung monitor using the included USB-C cable.
  2. Plug the wireless keyboard/mouse dongle directly into the laptop.
  3. Connect the webcam to one of the two USB ports on the back of the monitor.
  4. Connect the Jabra speaker phone to the remaining USB port on the back of the monitor.
Please note that the USB port labeled SERVICE is used for monitor firmware updates, and can not be used to connecting devices to the laptop.

After setting up the connections, you may need to select the proper input. You can do this by following these steps:
-Press the home button on the Samsung remote.
-Scroll to the left until you see the "inputs" option.
-Select the USB-C option.