How to report phishing emails

This is how to report emails that are suspicious or phishing emails within outlook.

How To Report Phishing - New Outlook  

  1. Find the email that is suspicious enough to be considered phishing and select it.
  2. Navigate to the Phish Alert Report Button located in the email you are wanting to report.
  3. Click Phishing Alert Report Button then the email is sent directly to IT Team to take care of it.

Note: If there is not a phishing icon with a white envelope and a orange hook within the email you are trying to report follow these steps.
  1. Inside the email there will be a square icon that has four circles in it called All Apps.
  2. Once you have opened up Apps you can now click Phish Alert Report and it will add the button to the tool bar.

How To Report Phishing - Old Outlook  

  1. Find the email you want to report as phishing.
  2. When previewing, there will be the Phishing Alert Report Button with an orange hook.
  3. Click the Phish Alert Report button and it will be sent to the IT team to take care of the email.

Note: If you do not see a white envelope with a orange hook then follow these steps to add the Phish Alert Report Button. 
  1. Click All Apps in the tool bar.
  2. Select Phish Alert Report to add to tool bar.